So, here we are on the Ides of March. Anyone named Julius has my sympathy in general, but particularly on this day. In the spirit of such, I tried to find an Ancient Roman or at least, Shakespearian themed recommendation today, but that proved nearly impossible. Serendipity happened, though, when I came across Your Impossible Voice:
Your Impossible Voice seeks poetry that is devious and feisty. Send us work that frustrates our ideas of beauty and illuminates surreal new intersections. Ignite our understanding of form. We are drawn to sharp juxtapositions, secret codes and mysterious circumstances. Show us what lives in your peripheral vision; invite us in to your hidden rooms. Hand us the skeleton key and the magnifying glass – we’re ready to follow.
As you'll see in the submission guidelines, they take blind submissions only. Additionally, it appears that most of their accepted poems are posted as recordings by the poet. Not sure how they coordinate that but we have a group of wonderful readers in the CUP Group so I hope to hear you there soon. Here is their website.