Member Profiles

Here we profile members who are regular active partcipants in our workshops and events. Dive in to meet these colorful characters and listen to their unique poetic voices. More audio can be found at our CU Poetry Soundcloud Page

Steve LaVigne (Organizer)


You can find more of Steve's work here

Smashwords ebooks - Bunch of my older poetry in easily downloadable formats - For Free - And yes, I put it there for all posterity to annoy and embarrass my daughter

I have recently been published by new verse news and will be in the forthcoming Riversedge Journal edited by an interesting beat poet professor Chris Carmona

I’ve been a poetry fan for a long time and want to meet others who are fans as well.

James Escher (Co-Organizer)


Jim's poetry is elegant and deceptively simple -Well worth reading and rereading. In addition to being published in numerous venues, he just recently won third place at the 2013 Kentucky State Poetry Society contest - Kudos


Jim's blog can be found here

Hi, I’m Jim. I’m a poet, that is, I write poetry.


I'm an ER nurse in town, and I've been toying with the idea of writing some poetry, specifically spoken word. Its something that fascinates me so I thought I'd see if I was able to write any myself. Hopefully this group will keep me motivated. :)

William Reger


You can find more of William's work here

Personal Writing Blog - Wight Noise - Find some of William's erudite, observant and often humorous verse here

I write poetry, short stories, non-fiction (Russian and military history), 2 still-born novels. Teaching is my day job. Born/raised near St. Louis. Married to Mary. We have 4 kids. 25 years in the area.

John Palen


John Palen’s poetry has appeared in literary journals for more than 40 years, including Poetry Northwest, Prairie Schooner, The Formalist, Kansas Quarterly, and Passages North, and in anthologies published by Milkweed Editions and Wayne State University Press. He was a finalist in the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Competition in 1995 and a Pushcart nominee in 2003. His Open Communion: New and Selected Poems was published in 2005 by Mayapple Press. Since then he has had chapbooks published by March Street Press and Pudding House, and poetry and short fiction appearing or forthcoming in Sleet, Press 1, Gulf Stream, Prick of the Spindle, Trigger, New Verse News, and elsewhere. His first collection of flash fiction, Small Economies, was published by Mayapple in January 2012. Information about purchasing books is on his  "Booklist" page in his blog - or email at